Wednesday, August 3, 2011

New "Outlook" on life :)

Life can be rough... Okay lets not understate it, life is rough.
But why not just ride it through on a jeep?
First of all I'm a Rock Star...
Second of all I would like to say I love myself, and its that easy.
Third of all the past three days changed my life!
Now let me tell you why r_r
okay... SSSSOOOOOOoo
Outlook development put on a three day class to help teens with their life.  To help improve self image and rid of others negativity; let me just say, they rock it :)  I know that once you can realize how you can become your own self created image that no one can tear down your life changes, and it changes A LOT ^_^
Okay so. . .
First day-
We recognized some negative beliefs (you're probably thinking WHAT!? Negativity that makes no sense!) But oh trust me it makes perfect sense! Once you track down a negative belief you have in yourself you find the origin and you kill it and make a positive.  This is where I became a Rock Star.
But being a Rock Star is more then just saying it I've got to move into it!
MOMENTUM: force or speed of movement; impetus, as of a physicalobject or course of
Once you create movement it gets easier and easier and faster and faster like a snowball down a hill :)
So If I'm a Rock Star create a momentum and make myself more of a Rock Star! AWESOME!
Day two-
Ropes course, now I can't tell you in great detail what I did because if you ever get the chance to experience it... well it will be a greater experience if you know less XD But what I learned is that trust is a must.  Trusting in others builds a team, it builds a network of friendship and love.  I love 20+ more people then I did Sunday and I trust 20+ more people I know that if I fall those 20+ people will catch me :) thats what I learned, and its BIG! 
Day 3-
Wrapping it up :( sad yes but miraculous.  I've never felt so amazing in my life, my morale boosted to an all time high! Its like I'm flying.  I gained the ability to become a being that doesn't let judgments stick. No one can tell me I can't because I can :) No one can tell me I'm ugly cuz I'm freakin' attractive, no one can tell me I'm dumb because I'm a Rock Star! :)
I truly believe that now :)
I have 20+ plus new friend too that I can share this with, that I can go to for help, to gain strength, to feel loved. Because I am loved I just need to find it in myself. And these past three days I did.

Thank you everyone for everything!
Jamie, Dana, Doug, Miranda you are amazing
and I love you.

Preston, Ariel, Virginia, Mckay, Toran, Kristine, Tyler, Mckay, Sarah, Mallori, Chase, Kaitlin, Sydney, Kenyon, Sam, Ariana, Virginia, Christian, and most of all Paul My brother
I love you all!
Thanks for an amazing last three days!

We are all Super Stars :)


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