Tuesday, August 23, 2011

8 hours and counting :)

Just What Happens
Winning battles
Losing wars
Making progress
Falling short
These are things
that happen oft.

We get so high
We end too far
I guess what I mean is
It isn't perfect
it may not seem worth it
but the truth is
what works with it
we can't always control it;

And sometimes we over hear it,
but just flow forward,
moving along in the current
coursing ever onward,
mapping towards the end
where love and peace end
how babies won't cry
and I'm not as shy

I think its to say
that I like it this way
Just hold onto you what I need
and Love and Joy will succeed
don't fleet in battle
you can't take the babies rattle,
you can't hurt what's already dead
you cant fix which won't mend

I'm just going to let it fly
through canyons like wind
through forests like birds
through rivers like fish
I can't control
not you,
just me.

So I'll let you be
and love still the same

Just don't do it for me

I've made it this far
I can make it further
It may take patience
I may fall under
I might collapse
but I'll get right back

Up on my feet again.

Do it for you
Because I love you
and me can take it


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