Sunday, January 23, 2011

Approaching Near

Every time I hear it
I seem to nearly feel it
Is it love
or maybe hate
or something rather the opposite?

It could be one thing,
or entirely another.
Maybe its murder,
maybe its my mother.
The simple thought,
it's out of the question;

who on earth,
would seek that destination.

No one can quite tell,
the moment of day,
when I do the things,
that I do that day.

It comes without any pure reason
Not a single occurring thought.
The moment I hear,
what I hear.
What I thought.

And then when it comes closer;
it seems quite in reach,
and then it's nearly touching my cheek.
Then I realize,
that this thing I've been hearing,
it's the thing I've been steering
away from all these years.

It's love,
It's courage,
the ability to stand,
outside of myself.
and be my own demand.
Control my own world
contort my own life.
Not let you, her, or him have a splice.

Get over yourself,
get out of this world.
Get into your own.
The one that you own.

I'm my own master.
I control my own fate.
My soul receives guidance,
from this single face.

And now that I know this
I can't possibly forget,
now its time,
that I go and get;
my future,
my life,
my love,
my time,
its mine forever.

And no one can change that again.

Don't ask because I don't know... xP



Wednesday, January 19, 2011



It was born so long ago
love pure as snow
and now I get to know
I love you so.

Life can be frustrating.  Sometimes I just wish I could find a girl I can actually fall in love with.  But I know its not that easy.  From experience I've learned not to get desperate, it makes you do stupid stuff.  I just only wish I could find someone I like, no one has caught my eye in the way I want.  It just makes me sad.  Someone come fall in love with me

your dearest,


Any reference to persons other than my self is completely coincidental. 

Monday, January 17, 2011

Little things

I think I saw a shooting star
I know I saw it,
no doubt,
not one at all.
So simple and gracious,
so great and powerful.

I held my breath,
and closed my eyes,
imagined her,
that which money can't buy.

So I made my wish,
such a little thing,
yet so ornate and wonderful.

It was snowing one day,
just a little flurry,
I was in such a hurry,
as the snowflakes did scurry.
But I took the time to notice;
that little tiny snowflake.
It seemed so rather boisterous.

Its beauty brought me pleasure.
Its design rare like unto an eagle feather.
It made me smile for that second,
it made my heart remember that moment.
The girl I let go,
so many years ago.

And so that day the snowflake fell,
I remembered her.
Then the night the small star flew,
I remembered her.

By all these little things,
I did remember what was true.
That I loved her.
And surely I knew.
Why did I ever,
begin to doubt.
The candle of love was out?
For it wasn't,
it still burned bright;

those little things spoke
go seize her love
its time to love back.
So ever since those little things,
I remember, 
never forget to notice.
To notice someone like you,
or someone like a me.
A little me,
A little you.

-Payden Michael Jolley

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sleeping or living?

Dark creeps in
when all lights fade
when children weep
when cities sleep
all one time
all one thing
I like to call it sleep.

But many times it seems,
to come around at the day
when we be most afraid.
To come around in light,
it wanders through the day.

But in the night
the peaceful night
our brains seem to decay
away far away.

A teenage boy dreams silently away,
dreams of thing he had wished that day,
that girl he loved
to love back
to hold him like he did
what a silly plan.
And feel born again.

The little child dreams in fear
Goblins, Monsters, and things which scare.
He wishes he could wake
and escape from there,
almost gets away,
but goblins grab
and want to eat
before they can.
Mom comes and flips a light
the goblins flee
Mom holds the boy tight.
No sleep she receives
until dreams deplete.

That average adult
lies on the couch
slips into a mist,
oh the confusion,
and the doubt.
Nothing makes sense.
All thoughts seem to wander,
He begins to feel lost.
His brains confusion
much greater than the child,
His love for the women
more hopeless then the boys.

He wakes the next day.
Nothing to say.
The dream slipped away.

Over and over,
the teenager may wish
the child may cry
the Adult, lost in the mist.
But such joy
is found
the brains disarray
For all dreaming away.
Things not yet understood.
Embrace them,
Hate them,
Do what you may,
Cast those dreams far away.
Hold them close.
Keep drifting away.
Forever and every
dreams will always stay. 



Someone fell for me
Someone cried to me
But no one told me
Everyone grew tall
I shrunk oh so small
Crushed and mauled.
My soul did fall,

But you didn't know
that you were the who
who picked me up
and made me whole
you gave me hope
you looked like a fool.

You still stood
and carried me forward
loving and soft
a part from me
but oh so close
you made me cry
but tears of joy
my soul did fly
your company I did try.

You were there
My friend my pal
Your heart did share
And I never would fall

to all of my friends,
and you know who you are.
Your the best!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Some Poems for you :)


A Girl
I met a girl
a beautiful girl
with a beautiful smile
and gorgeous hair
she radiates sunlite
more that the sun itself
I love her
Much more than myself
I want her to know
from the day that we met
‘til the day that i die
I’ll love her
and this is why
She looks of an angel
she calms me when I cry
she smells just like roses
and I love her
Her name to me
such a sweet lullabye
that brings me life
when I want to die
I love you
I promise
I promise I do
Dont ever forget how much I do
My heart
It stopped
It loved
it cared
it hurt
it shattered
My love
was strong
was great 
was fair
was shattered
I love her
she doesn’t
she loves
she does
but not me
she shattered
she shattered me
I still love her
and though its hard
to see her go
to see her with
the man she has
the man she loves
I still love
I still care
I still have a heart
it still beats
but my love
my care
my heart
my life
is shattered
Will this last
will it hurt
sill it stay
in this shattered state
I want her to be happy
I want her safe
I want her taken care of
In every possible way
but I am still shattered
I cannot deny
I love beyond love
I care beyond care
Is this shattered heart beyond repair?

He stares into the vastness
He stares into blackness
He begins to lose it
One step at a time
One salty drop
Stings his cheek
His heart almost stops
Not one saw him leap.
He fights back anger
He fights back hate
His distrust lingers
His self chosen fate
Those who listened
Those who cared
Had lied
Had hidden
Gave only despair.
Those tears of sorrow
Those tears of hate
Announced themselves
As pouring rain
He steps outside
Into the musty air
As the sky erupts
His angry cry.
He sits and sheds his final tear
As the rain takes over
He knows the end is near
He sits alone
So hateful
So sad
He wont let go
Of the anger
He has.
He steps forward
Looks at his ending
And sees all those
 Waves dipping under
Before his final 
Booming thunder
He can no longer see Heaven
He feels so close to Hell
It seemed over
He couldn’t take the sorrow
Love he could not borrow.
He looks at the ocean
Quaking with absurd motion
“God I am sorry
I guess I’ll never know”
He jumps,
But does not fall
But there stands tall--
There is a man
In all glory instead
The rain steadies
The boy cries once again
He discovered someone, 
Will always somehow listen
Even when a hatred
Became his symptom 
God saved him
He was to young to die
God has saved so many
And sees to any
Hopeless child
Crying to the sky
We all need the one
To listen
To care
Yes him
The one
Will Love
Will Save
My Redeemer is always there

So I wrote these today, I hope you like them
More coming soon.
Really let me know what you think? 
K? k

-Payden Michael Jolley

Monday, January 3, 2011

Five followers

Wow! Someone is supa popular!
I cut my hair!
I don't like it...
Oh well... it grows back right??? :/
Okay anywho school is terrible, and ya.. I loveth my friends forever!

I wan't an older brother...

That was random.



Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sunday Morning

Sunday Morning Rain isn't falling...

So... Slept great.

Oh apparently all girls dream of kissing in the rain?

So I haven't really been serious with the whole new years resolution thing in the past, but I think this year I should take it seriously.

-I'm going to keep my room organized and clean.
-I'm going to graduate from High School.
-I'm going to spend more time practicing my musical instruments and play less video games.
-I'm going to eat tomatoes, green peppers, and like them.
-I'm going to eat healthy... I really ought to not drink soda...
-I'm going to go to college.
-I'm going to get a job! I WILL GET A JOB!

So obviously I need my dear friends to help me keep these resolutions, so guys.


So last night I was texting a person... AWESOME!

So anyhow... Tomorrow I  must return to school... This upcoming week I have a few large questions on my head... And they are-

Should I drop AP lit?
What class should replace chem?
And how the beans am I going to get a tux for preference?
Oh and when is preference?

Thats all
love your dear person,

-Payden Michael Jolley

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Pretty much how I feel right now...

Devastation, heart-wrenched, and broken
these are three words I have spoken,
no I won't let you in,
let me shut out the light,
this doesn't feel quite right.
Human love,
its supposed to be true,
but its sick its twisted
its all cuz of you.
I want to love
I really do
but all I can do is sit
and stare blankly at you.
I hate how I love you
I sit quietly
I think and I wonder,
of how things used to be,
how much I loved you,
I guess I forget,
and now I remember,
and how much it hurt,
I know I shouldn't kiss you,
or hug you for long,
should I just let you go?
Maybe its time to move on.
Love isn't real
to a plain boy like me,
I've never been loved,
like I want to be,
Theres dad and I love him,
there is mom too,
there's Jesus in Heaven
he loves me too :)
and though thats the greatest love of all
your the one missing
an important love,
over all.
I love you too much
its too much to bear
nothings worse I swear
late nights hoping
midnights dreaming
devastation increasing,
devastation release me.

Devastation? sound good?
-Payden Michael Jolley

PS Thanks Julia, and James you guys are the best fake parents ever, basically cuz I can talk to you about anything :)

New years resolution

This years new years resolution=blogging?
Apparantly blogging is the new... New?

Well it's in.  So I'm doing it.

This year I will do a few things...

Go to college,
Graduate from high school,
Fall in love,
Move out,
Get a Job,
And thats its.

Have a wonderful 2011....

-Payden xP

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