Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sunday Morning

Sunday Morning Rain isn't falling...

So... Slept great.

Oh apparently all girls dream of kissing in the rain?

So I haven't really been serious with the whole new years resolution thing in the past, but I think this year I should take it seriously.

-I'm going to keep my room organized and clean.
-I'm going to graduate from High School.
-I'm going to spend more time practicing my musical instruments and play less video games.
-I'm going to eat tomatoes, green peppers, and like them.
-I'm going to eat healthy... I really ought to not drink soda...
-I'm going to go to college.
-I'm going to get a job! I WILL GET A JOB!

So obviously I need my dear friends to help me keep these resolutions, so guys.


So last night I was texting a person... AWESOME!

So anyhow... Tomorrow I  must return to school... This upcoming week I have a few large questions on my head... And they are-

Should I drop AP lit?
What class should replace chem?
And how the beans am I going to get a tux for preference?
Oh and when is preference?

Thats all
love your dear person,

-Payden Michael Jolley


julia larsen said...

preference is january 22! and i don't dream of kissing in the rain, ps.

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