Monday, January 17, 2011

Little things

I think I saw a shooting star
I know I saw it,
no doubt,
not one at all.
So simple and gracious,
so great and powerful.

I held my breath,
and closed my eyes,
imagined her,
that which money can't buy.

So I made my wish,
such a little thing,
yet so ornate and wonderful.

It was snowing one day,
just a little flurry,
I was in such a hurry,
as the snowflakes did scurry.
But I took the time to notice;
that little tiny snowflake.
It seemed so rather boisterous.

Its beauty brought me pleasure.
Its design rare like unto an eagle feather.
It made me smile for that second,
it made my heart remember that moment.
The girl I let go,
so many years ago.

And so that day the snowflake fell,
I remembered her.
Then the night the small star flew,
I remembered her.

By all these little things,
I did remember what was true.
That I loved her.
And surely I knew.
Why did I ever,
begin to doubt.
The candle of love was out?
For it wasn't,
it still burned bright;

those little things spoke
go seize her love
its time to love back.
So ever since those little things,
I remember, 
never forget to notice.
To notice someone like you,
or someone like a me.
A little me,
A little you.

-Payden Michael Jolley


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