Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sleeping or living?

Dark creeps in
when all lights fade
when children weep
when cities sleep
all one time
all one thing
I like to call it sleep.

But many times it seems,
to come around at the day
when we be most afraid.
To come around in light,
it wanders through the day.

But in the night
the peaceful night
our brains seem to decay
away far away.

A teenage boy dreams silently away,
dreams of thing he had wished that day,
that girl he loved
to love back
to hold him like he did
what a silly plan.
And feel born again.

The little child dreams in fear
Goblins, Monsters, and things which scare.
He wishes he could wake
and escape from there,
almost gets away,
but goblins grab
and want to eat
before they can.
Mom comes and flips a light
the goblins flee
Mom holds the boy tight.
No sleep she receives
until dreams deplete.

That average adult
lies on the couch
slips into a mist,
oh the confusion,
and the doubt.
Nothing makes sense.
All thoughts seem to wander,
He begins to feel lost.
His brains confusion
much greater than the child,
His love for the women
more hopeless then the boys.

He wakes the next day.
Nothing to say.
The dream slipped away.

Over and over,
the teenager may wish
the child may cry
the Adult, lost in the mist.
But such joy
is found
the brains disarray
For all dreaming away.
Things not yet understood.
Embrace them,
Hate them,
Do what you may,
Cast those dreams far away.
Hold them close.
Keep drifting away.
Forever and every
dreams will always stay. 



Kenzie said...

i like this one too can i feature you on my writing blog?

Unknown said...


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