Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 36 success :)

Big explosions an stuff are lots and lots of fun! xD As I relearned yesterday with my buddy Jared xD
Jared Invited me over for fireworks and so that's what I decided to do for day 36, Fireworks!!! :D
So anyways... it was loads of fun we started with sparklers...
So basically playing with sparklers is loads of fun, but it took a few tries to get a really cool picture xP
Here we see me and a failed attempt of trying to write my name r_r but it looks cool doesn't it?
Then I did this one! Its my favorite of the sparkler pictures... Anyways, sparklers are lots of fun! xD
Then it was time for the big fireworks! *_* <--- Firework face... hehe...
They started small...
They got a lil bigger r_r
 Then they got real bright and stuff
o.O <--- Jerry was making that face when
he watched them because of how epic they were
And they also looked real pretty like dis one, :)
And then they went all fancy and did multiple shots...
And when I thought it couldn't get any better!
l31G l31G l31G


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