Monday, February 21, 2011

Melting Love

Sun shines down,
I look at the melting snow.
My heart wants to melt.
I fall in love,
spring is here.

Everyone knows who I am,
but no one knows whats inside.
My loving heart gets trapped,
as the ice melts I feel free,
finally love takes over,
I decide its over.

No more waiting, 
Loves that simple,
Now is the time

I don't actually know
where to go
what to do
or who I am.

But I know
I'm in love,
It's spring,
I'm ready for this.

I can take on the world,
A new soul, 
Ready to surge,
Exploding with compassion,
and passion,
unable to pull down.

I'm unstoppable
'cause I love you.

You made my heart turn
winter to spring.
Stop hiding,
Come out,
Baby I love you.
You know I do.

Let us run
far away,
come into this warmth
the warm spring
with me.

Love turns winter
to spring <3

So... This poem is odd, its more free verse than anything and it really doesn't rhyme.  But whatevs.  Enjoy :)


Pay Jolley <3


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