Sunday, July 24, 2011

36 Days... Oh my heck

36 days...
36 days left...
36 more days...
36 days ahead...
36 days 'til what?
36 days of what?
36 days for what?
Why 36 days?
36 days and I will be there...

Living with roommates, cooking my own meals,
attempting homework, partying hard, studying hard,
and most importantly being there.
Why is college such a big deal?
I don't actually know... Is it really a big deal... Should it be a big deal?
Well I'm going to make the days building up to it... wait for it... a BIG DEAL!
See? Its pretty big...
Well moving on from that then...
Since I have 36 days until this oh so momentous occasion we, or maybe I should say I, are/am going to be doing some things of great and epic proportion...
Today being the 24th of July, a Utah holiday, I'll make day 36 have a bit of a bang for the start of this adventure...
In order to account for what I do, I will film, draw, photograph, or record in any other form what I do so its there for others to see, hear, or whatever via blog...
If I can actually record all 36 days in some form I shall have completed a great task...
Also... I hope you like my new blog layout :) it took me forever to figure out... ><


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