A poem about the gender that
will always be held
in the image of Manliness
(whatever it is that that entitles)
A man doesn't have to be
cute and cuddly
soft and snuggly
prim or proper
sparkling and spotless.
A man is dirty
pain is loved
and love is dirty.
Man doesn't cry
He doesn't smile,
He has to be a manly mass
Of pure lean muscle.
What if...
He does his hair,
And cuts his nails,
Throws on a suit
Wears a tie one day.
Man cried one day,
He blogged about it.
Now he's a girl?
So he shuts up
All his feeling
Cramped up inside.
His feelings falling,
Holding the standard of man
Hushed and crushed aside.
No one seems to realize
he has a soft side.
Man can be kind to others,
He can dress up all fancy,
He can smell something nice.
Man's image
Always forced upon him
Is being pushed off his shoulders.
This time man is
Who he wants to be.
Man is Me.
And I am the manliest man
there will ever be.
41 to go
I am a girl. It is me.
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