Monday, March 19, 2012

Going out in flames

No matter how hard you fall
Hurt so bad you can hardly crawl
Battered and wounded
Will suffering ever end.

As you fall down
Tumble towards doom
Go out in flames
The best you can do.

Be remembered for who you are
Don't ever forget it
Once and for all
Go out in flames
Gone out.
In flames.


jordan said...

argh this seem a bit suicidal matey.

Unknown said...

Its not suicidal silly! It's a poem n_n

Brandon der Blätter said...

Because a poem couldn't possibly be suicidal. Although this sounds more like dying in a martyrdom rather than a suicide.

Unknown said...

Exactly :)

jordan said...

Still don't want to die... :'(
If I did though it would be from tuberculosis. Like lemme set this scene for ya,
I would have just barely got the love of my life. We had the most fantastic night of our lives. We are sitting watching the moonlit sky, when all of the sudden I start coughing and I look down at my hand and see blood. I look to my lover and fall into their arms. I die in their arms while telling them how much I love them.
End scene.

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