Sunday, January 1, 2012

One Whole Year. . . What's next?

-I'm going to keep my room organized and clean.
-I'm going to graduate from High School.
-I'm going to spend more time practicing my musical instruments and play less video games.
-I'm going to eat tomatoes, green peppers, and like them.
-I'm going to eat healthy... I really ought to not drink soda...
-I'm going to go to college.
-I'm going to get a job! I WILL GET A JOB!

that stuff up there.... that's my old list of new years resolutions! From a whole year ago... 
How did I do?
First of all, my room did used to be extremely dirty. And back at the apartment Trevor was the messy one after all xD
I graduated from high school, as if that was a challenge xP but hey! I did do it :)
I didn't change my practicing of musical instruments much at all... So that one failed.  And I'm too busy to try again...
Tomatoes: used to hate; love them now! I think I did that one just fine :)
Green Peppers: I don't hate them anymore... I would call that improvement ;)
^^^ I think that counts as my eating healthy, and as for the soda, it's been a few minutes since my last carbonated beverage.
I made it to college... I'm still in college... Let's stay in college :)
As for jobs... I've had four this year. I'm currently still employed at the fourth, go me! xD

So if you haven't noticed today is the one year anniversary of my blog!
44 posts and 965 views!  It's crazy isn't it?
That you've been reading about my dreadfully boring life for that long?
That a year ago I was single, had a drama filled high school life and didn't know where I would be in the next year?
Well to me it is, I can't believe I made it this far.  And even though last year was fantastic! I think I could make this year a weeee bit better; so I'm going to do it.

Resolutions here we go:

1.  A's (as in grades) I need them so I'm going to get them.  This semester I'm going to get a 4.0 GPA at college.  We'll work out the kinks but for now I'm starting with library all day, every day: before class and after, before work and after, before meals and after.  ALL THE TIME!

2.  Get my mission papers in by April.  I wan't to go on a mission and so I will, and having them in as soon as I can will be the best thing I can do for that!  

3.  Reach 50 blog-posts (in addition to my 44 [so basically 94 posts]) by the end of april.  Because I love blogging and I love writing.  They will be short and sweet, but they will be meaningful.  

4.  Learn 1 hymn in the hymn book a week on the piano.  That way by my mission I'll have about 28 hymns down! And during the summer I could probably bump it up to 2 or 3 a week xD

5.  Language-  this has been a constant problem with me for quite sometime.  I've had my good days, and I've had my bad, my goal is to have all good days :)
No potty related words! None! No name calling of sort, no cussing, no racial or derogatory terms of any sort!  No jokes about any race, any person, or anything of the sort. 

6.  Family- If things go as planned I only have 7 months left with my family and then its off to serve the Lord for 2 years.  So I wan't to build that bond and strengthen it.  Treat my brother the best I can. Respect my parents even though I want to rebel sometimes :P  Talk kind to my mom and sisters and don't annoy my sisters.

7.  Write missionaries.  I feel like I have a lot of friends going on missions.  Oh wait! That is because I do... So maybe I should write them? One letter every other week to one missionary.  That is the starting goal.  We'll improve from there.  

8.  Limit time on Facebook! Facebook is a time sucker! It sucks time away!  So I should rid of it! I think yes! 

Anyways, I think I'll be going to bed now...
If I think up any resolutions later then I'll add to this list, then again we will see :)
Good-morning everybody and welcome to 2012
Oh and hey blog! Happy Birthday! :)


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