Thursday, November 10, 2011


Sorry this is the first post in a really long time...
And its only a poem :(
I hope you like it....

Here it is:


If I could just move on
Might I just stand up?
Tear this bullet out
Not one single care in heart
In mind;
Sometimes not understood
How it could be this way,
I brought myself trouble.
It’s my own fault
Will it be okay?
Of course it will,
I say to myself
But I need time,
Healing must be done.
Lots of it.
Every time I used to think,
My smile spread wide and full.
And now I think my stupid acts,
My soul groans at the pain.
I’m not the man I used to be,
She changed me,
But it wasn’t enough
Was it?
So here I sit in great consultation,
With myself.
Can I do it?
Can I trudge on?
Be strong?
Through this battle and fight,
This war of tear shed,
I’m standing in a red pool of fright.
Scared to find another battle,
And lose it once more.
I can’t do it, not now. . .
Its over,
I’m too sore to move on,
Weary with grief.
My broken soul,
And wounded heart
Have fallen to this new warrior.
I’ve lost the fight,
Have I won the war?
But no it’s merely starting.
I cannot fret,
I shall not die.
Trudge on,
Fight on,
I’ve lost the battle on this lonely hill,
Over her,
Against him.
But I have more ahead,
I must keep my head high.
The battle has just begun,
I’m the master of this heart of mine,
This heart so loving,
These hands so kind,
But can I find,
Another girl?
Like you?


Anonymous said...

Poetry on my friend!

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