Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Looking for an Answer

Sometimes no matter how hard you try to find one, there just isn't an answer, but you don't always need one.  Know that when the time comes life will be there waiting where you left it.  Though sometimes it seems they don't care they do.  When it seems "the one" will never be "yours" remember that it will work out.  You can always find hope in something.  You can always find joy, even in the darkness.  And whenever you feel so broken down, break down! Pour your heart out to Him and He will listen.  He loves you and always is there.

Answers don't always come in the time we want.
But wait it out
He'll wait with you.




Sara Jolley said...

TRUE DAT. Also, It takes way too much effort to comment on posts. Just sayin'

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