Thursday, December 25, 2014

Two Shades of Red

Agonizing pain as I coughed, turning the snow red as I spat.  Not an appealing memory, not one you care to share with children. Yet somehow I find it frustrating that my story goes unheard thanks to the unpleasant feelings and imagery it causes every day folk to experience.  What a dispiriting thought, you all know me and not one has cared to listen of why I am.  Naturally heart wrenching isn't it?

Ah yes, now I see the intriguing gaze in you, that intense stare you are giving me.  Come now, sit down, I will inform you on how the most horrific childhood granted me capacity to make dreams come true.

If my life were a canvas it would be red.  Nothing more.  No fancy art. Just red.  Red is a horrific color, yet all the while it can be quite a happy one.  Blood is red, fire is red. Destruction. Death.  Yet hearts are red, and my clothes, they are red.  Mercy. Memories.  Quite the contrast I might say.  A childhood full of darkness and difficulty; despair.  Now I am merry and motivated; magical.

The coals glowed a dim white and red on the gray dismal street corner.  My pale face blackened like that of a coal miner's after a days work.  My tar and soot covered body burned in agony from the biting wind as the dimming fire failed to warm yet a tip of a finger.  I began to wander off in my mind, an attempt to ignore my mortal pains.  In spite of a powerless effort, my mind declined me any peace; for as I escaped the physical battering, I entered into a mental torture.

Okay people... Not sure how I'm feeling about this, I'm sure you can see where it's going.
I'm still working on it, but I don't know if I want to make it blog worthy.
If you want me to, just comment below.

And yes "In spite of a powerless effort" is intended to be a little ironic.  I like how it sounds. It seems to add hope to hopelessness. 


The Jolley Family said...

I think you mostly defined the color red.

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