Sunday, July 15, 2012

Pondering Love


I decided to make a YouTube channel, and I do not have an idea about what it is that I'll be posting there.  If you have any clever ideas, let me know.  
Now you might be wondering... Payden, why did you make a YouTube channel?
And if you are I shall answer, and that answer is this:

You see, I have opinions.  Opinions should be shared.  I also LOVE people, and I feel like at times people don't get the love they deserve.  I want to start to make a difference, and let everyone know how much they deserve to be loved.  Because no matter how someone seems to be through your eyes, you haven't walked through life in their shoes. 

Now let me be honest, obviously I'm not perfect and I have judged so many people.  And I am not proud of that, but everyone can change and I am working to do so.  In doing this I feel like I can give myself a new start and help others to find, in their own way, love.

For the record, I once was one of those people that put people in this box of They're not good enough or Why do they do that? or That's wrong.  But I now know and realize that I wasn't being good enough and I shouldn't have been doing that and that I was WRONG.  People are people and they all have a chance to be heard.  I am a very religious person, and I am a strong believing member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS, or Mormon) And in being a member I follow certain commandments.  Some of them keep me from doing things the rest of the world seems perfectly acceptable.  And I think its time to start to let those other people know that I still accept them.  

You can't force anyone to believe in what you do, you can only share your message.  But no matter what I want to accept everyone.  Because ultimately that is what Jesus would do and I love him and want to follow his example.  And beyond that I just want to be a good person, that anyone can come to for a hug.  

Now I'm sorry this post has gone on this long, and I would be very surprised to discover anyone making it this far. But I have a few more words to say, and things to go over.

I realize this blog has never really had a specific purpose to it... I've posted poetry, I've vented, I've told stories, and been dramatic.  But will this blog ever have a true specific purpose? The answer is no, because first of in 3 months I'm going to be in Colombia on a Mission for my church and this blog will be updated by my mother and turned into a mission blog.  But also because this blog is a ponderous one and I like to ponder.  So it will always wander through my ponderous thoughts and you will wonder about them. That is that.  

Finally my new YouTube channel has been rightfully titled PonderousPayden (Ponder was taken), and that is how it will remain.  Because I want to ponder this world state of being.  And I want to Ponder love, I want to find it, I want to give it, I want to have it and embrace it.  So if you so desire come on my life Journey.  I have no idea where this journey will take me, but in it I'm going to love and ponder.

So reader, if you've made it this far, come love and ponder with me n_n



PS all this stuff above has also led me to change the name of my blog to Ponder :) so now it all matches, and isn't contradictory because if I see life "through his eyes" (this blog's old name) then I'm being biased and that kind of destroys the entire point of this post :)


Brandon der Blätter said...

I've judged everyone I've met, but not always in a bad way. Judging is unavoidable - we need it so we can evaluate the potential relationships we'll have with others. The best we can do is judge as fairly as possible, giving the benefit of the doubt as often as possible and being quick to forgive.

I think there's a difference between love and acceptance. A mother may love her child but not accept his fighting with other siblings. Granted, this is an example of refusing to accept behavior rather than the actual person, but I do think our tolerance does have a limit. For example, it is good to accept one's preference of music, but, depending on the situation, it would not be good to accept one's use of profanity or drugs. In this case we should attempt to sway them or remove ourselves from the situation. This doesn't mean we can't still love them for being a child of God, but we should beware that we don't let the acceptance definition allow for people to excuse themselves while acting poorly.

In fact, we shouldn't even accept ourselves. None of us are perfect, so we shouldn't be satisfied with who we are at the present. We should realize we have the potential to be better, and then work to become greater.

As for your blog not having a purpose, this should cheer you up:

Just kidding. If for nothing else, blogs are good places to practice writing, and offer a good outlet for venting and poetry and whatnot. The purpose of my blog is to express my opinions and beliefs about various aspects of the world, and that's where I post it even if no one reads it.

Anyway, whose eyes were you talking about with your old title? And one last thing: Y U HAVE NO VIDEOS?

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